Some big decisions and purchases were made here in the interactive marketing department at Mountain Reservations over the past couple of weeks. Websites were scoured, research was done and many of our team members took the plunge in successfully buying ski pants, jackets and goggles. One might think these purchases were prompted by the recent snow dump in Utah and all over the west this past weekend, but that is only a coincidence. These purchases were weeks, maybe month in the making as our team members prepared for our big department ski day at Solitude Mountain Resort. Yes, we get to ski for work. You can be jealous. Not many people can say that they get to hit the slopes for a day to do market research and team building, but here at Mountain Reservations we live for what we sell.

To begin our adventure we sent team members Elise and James off to a ski refresher course. They later conceded that they were at the top of the class having both skied before, but as Elise described it felt good to get her “ski legs” back. While Elise and James braved ski school the rest of the crew hit the slopes without hesitation. With four inches of fresh snow on the mountain, the day was already off to a good start. Next the sun came out and despite some briskness early in the morning it was a perfect blue bird day. Our fearless leaders turned out to be Amy and Colby who are seasoned veterans and pass holders of Solitude. We started off on Moonbeam Express and took a warm up lap down to Apex Express. From there we took Apex Express skied down to Powderhorn II and repeated. Eventually we decided to switch it up and ride the Sunrise lift a couple of times before lunch at Last Chance Mining Camp.

Lunch was provided by our gracious host Visit Salt Lake who set up our ski day through the “Ski it to Believe it” program meant to get players in the industry out to ski local mountains. We chomped down on some quintessential ski lodge grub: burgers and fries. After our carbo load we hit the slopes as a complete team with Elise and James joining us for a lap on Apex Express. A few runs later and we were back in the car driving out Big Cottonwood Canyon. Was it worth all the purchases? The anticipation? Maybe a couple falls here and there? Definitely. Although we are back at the office today it is safe to say that everyone enjoyed turning in their keyboard for some turns on the mountain.