
Terms Of Service

Brand Representation

Publisher’s ad copy cannot misrepresent the relationship between the publisher and MountainReservations.com. Copy cannot contain misspellings, incorrect grammar or false statements such as, “No Tax” or “Mountainreservations.com 50% Discount” when no discount has been offered.   All published discounts & special deals vary by property, and also have date restrictions to the deals. It becomes the affiliate’s responsibility to expire published deals in accordance with any date restrictions outline on MountainReservations.com. Ad copy should always represent Mountainreservations.com sites in a professional manner. Publishers cannot post anything in ad copy that alludes to the fact that we/they own the properties, represent or act on behalf of ski resorts or the actual property owners. Claims such as 'authorized wholesaler' or 'official site' can never be used in ad copy.

Cookie Policy

To maintain fairness between all Mountain Reservations marketing channels we follow a strict cookie policy. All cookies regardless of channel are subject to being trumped by the last referring URL with marketing campaign tracking. Credit will only be given to the last referring channel/website at the time of conversion.

Domain Names and URLs

Publisher websites must have a unique URL (including sub-domain and URL path) that does not contain Mountainreservations.com sites, trademarked brand names or any misspellings or variations of our name or trademarked names.

Search Engine Marketing

Publishers may not bid on Mountainreservations.com sites, trademarks, misspellings or variation of our brand names through Google AdWords, Yahoo Sponsored Search or MSN Ad Center (Bing).

Publishers can direct link on any keyword (including trademarks) through Google Content Network (Defined as ads placed within the content of engine network sites, exclusive of search results). Publishers can direct link on any keyword (including trademarks) through any Tier 2 search engine, such as Ask.com, Superpages.com, Lycos.com etc…

Engine Specific Rules:

Google:  Publishers cannot direct link on any term using AdWords for any Mountainreservations.com site • Publishers can bid and direct link on any term within Google Content Network (including trademarks) for any Mountainreservations.com site

Yahoo:  Publishers can bid and direct link on any term within Content Match (including trademarks) for any site •

Bing:  Publishers can bid and direct link on any term within Content Match (including trademarks) for any site •

Tier 2 Search Engines:  Publishers can bid and direct link on any term (including trademarks) for any Mountainreservations.com site

Comparison Engines: Publishers cannot submit data feeds directly to any comparison shopping portal or lodging aggregator sites that accept product feeds

International Search Policy

General Rule: Publishers can bid on any keyword (including trademarks) and direct link through search in foreign languages (any language except English) on any search engine.

International business is accepted and encouraged, with the understanding that all business and contact information is in the United States and conducted in English.

Pop Up, Software & Redirects

Publishers may not use site re-directs, pop-ups or pop-unders that link to Mountainreservations.com sites.

Spam and Electronic Messages

Under no circumstances shall Publisher send commercial electronic mail messages as defined in the new Federal spam law, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 [the “Act”], with respect to Mountainreservations.com’s Affiliate Program. For clarification, this does not prohibit Publisher from sending transactional or relationship messages as defined in the Act. In addition, except as expressly authorized by Mountainreservations.com, any and all electronic messages initiated or sent by Publisher or on Publisher’s behalf must identify Publisher as the sender and may not suggest or imply, or mislead or be likely to mislead a recipient into believing that a Mountainreservations.com site is the sender or sponsor of, or has procured Publisher to send, such electronic messages. To be clear, Publisher may not use a return address, subject heading, header information or message contents that misleads or confuses or is likely to mislead or confuse a recipient as to Publisher being the sender.

All publisher electronic messages representing Mountainreservations.com sites must be approved before sending.

Unacceptable Content

Publisher may not post adult-oriented content on any page where Mountainreservations.com sites’ content appears. Mountainreservations.com sites consider content to be "adult" if it contains nudity or obscenity, sexually explicit, pornographic, or lewd material. Publisher may not post any offensive content or incorporate images or content that is in any way harmful, threatening, obscene, harassing or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable, or promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.


Because we are extremely cautious with our brand and the brands we represent, we ask that publishers adhere closely to these requirements. We are dedicated to our affiliate program and will provide support to our publishers to help them meet their financial goals. Please call upon us for any assistance. Our Affiliate Management may be contacted via telephone at   or affiliates@vacationroost.com.

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